Implementation of Case Swithch syntax in Python

Python itself has no switch statement, there are 3 kinds of Solutions:

1.use dictionary

cases = {
           case1: do_some_stuff1,
           case2: do_some_stuff2,
           caseN: do_some_stuffN,
cases.get(var, do_default_stuff)()

2.use lambda

result = {
  'a': lambda x: x * 5,
  'b': lambda x: x + 7,
  'c': lambda x: x - 2

3.Beck Brian provides a class switch to implement the functions of switch in other languages.

# This class provides the functionality we want. You only need to look at
# this if you want to know how this works. It only needs to be defined
# once, no need to muck around with its internals.
class switch(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.fall = False
    def __iter__(self):
        """Return the match method once, then stop"""
        yield self.match
        raise StopIteration
    def match(self, *args):
        """Indicate whether or not to enter a case suite"""
        if self.fall or not args:
            return True
        elif self.value in args: # changed for v1.5, see below
            self.fall = True
            return True
            return False
# The following example is pretty much the exact use-case of a dictionary,
# but is included for its simplicity. Note that you can include statements
# in each suite.
v = 'ten'
for case in switch(v):
    if case('one'):
        print 1
    if case('two'):
        print 2
    if case('ten'):
        print 10
    if case('eleven'):
        print 11
    if case(): # default, could also just omit condition or 'if True'
        print "something else!"
        # No need to break here, it'll stop anyway

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