The software is not installed in the default directory of the solution
1.Modify the PATH environment variable to be able to identify the binary file path for this program:
modified /etc/profile
In the /etc/profile.d/ directory, create a file with names ending in .sh suffix, which write the "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/somewhere"
2.the system searches the library file path
by default, the system searches the library file path is /lib,/usr/lib; to add additional search path
Create a file named ending in .conf suffix in the /etc/ , and then write the path you want to add.
# ldconfig :research library file notification system
-v: shows the process of re searching the library
3 header file: output to the system
Default: /usr/include
Add header file search path, use the link to
/usr/local/tengine/include/ /usr/include/
Both method:
ln -s /usr/local/tengine/include/* /usr/include/ or
ln -s /usr/local/tengine/include /usr/include/tengine file path: install the man directory under the --prefix specified directory; /usr/share/man
2)adding a MANPATH to /etc/man.config