Linux software is not installed in the default directory

The software is not installed in the default directory of the solution

1.Modify the PATH environment variable to be able to identify the binary file path for this program:

   modified /etc/profile
  In the /etc/profile.d/ directory, create a file with names ending in .sh suffix, which write the  "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/somewhere"

2.the system searches the library file path

  by default, the system searches the library file path is /lib,/usr/lib; to add additional search path
  Create a file named ending in .conf suffix in the /etc/ , and then write the path you want to add.
  # ldconfig  :research library file notification system
            -v: shows the process of re searching the library

3 header file: output to the system

  Default: /usr/include
  Add header file search path, use the link to
  /usr/local/tengine/include/  /usr/include/
   Both method:
          ln -s /usr/local/tengine/include/* /usr/include/ or
          ln -s /usr/local/tengine/include   /usr/include/tengine file path: install the man directory under the --prefix specified directory; /usr/share/man

  2)adding a MANPATH to /etc/man.config

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