Archives November 2015

linux Sed (stream editor)

Sed (stream editor)

Stream EDitor sed: line editor
The default sed: mode space does not edit the original file, only the data in the mode space to do processing; and then, after the end of the processing, the pattern space is printed to the screen

sed [options]'AddressCommand'file file...

-n: silent mode, the default ...

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linux vim editor note

vim editor

1. open the file

# vim /path/to/somefile
      vim + #: Open the file, and positioned at the first # line
      vim +: Open File, navigate to the last row
      vim +/PATTERN: Open File, navigate to the line the first time to the line matching PATTERN

2. close the file

1) line mode close the file
:q ...

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Linux Vim commands Collection

Vim commands Collection

Command History

 To: and / beginning commands have history, you can type the first: or / and then press the down arrow to select a command history.

Start vim

Enter the following command in the command line window to

    [root@mylab]# vim

vim filename open vim or create a file named filename

    [root@mylab ...

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Linux Redis 3.0.5 installation and configuration

Redis 3.0.5 on the Linux installation and configuration

1. Download the installation package

[root@mylab]# wget

2. Compilation and installation

[root@mylab]# yum install gcc tcl
[root@mylab]# tar -zxf redis-3.0.5.tar.gz
[root@mylab]# cd redis-3.0.5
[root@mylab ...

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linux centos7 switch graphic mode and text mode

centos7 switch graphic mode and text mode

In the graphic mode using ctrl + alt + F2 to switch to a text mode.
text mode press ctrl + alt + F2 to switch back to the graphic mode.
Enter the command init 3 to switch to text mode.
Enter the command init 5 to switch to graphic mode.

If ...

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linux IO redirection

linux IO redirection

The default output device: standard output, STDOUT, 1
Default input device: standard input, STDIN, 0
Standard error output: STDERR, 2

Linux I/O redirection:

>: Override Output
eg. [root@mylab]# ls /var > /tmp/var2.out
>>: Append output
set -C: already prohibits the use of file redirection coverage
Force overwrite output ...

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linux bash shell command aliases Command substitution globbing

linux bash shell command aliases Command substitution globbing

1.bash shell command aliases:

##### alias CMDALIAS = 'COMMAND [options] [arguments]'
##### Shell aliases defined only valid in the current shell life cycle; effective range of only the current    shell process alias:
 eg. [root@levi ~]# alias cls=clear
Cancel command aliases:
[root@levi ~]#unalias CMDALIAS
the same alias command ...

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jQuery plugin - Cookie plug jquery.cookie.js

jQuery Cookie Download:

1. The introduction of jquery.cookie.js

<Script src = "scripts/jquery-1.6.4.js" type = "text/javascript"> </script>
<Script src = "scripts/jquery.cookie.js" type = "text/javascript"> </script>

2. Use

1) add a new session cookie:
$.cookie ...

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linux help command Summary notes

Linux help command : help,--help,man,info

type command : View command type(Internal Command,External Command)
[root@levi ~]# type -a cd 
cd is a shell builtin (Internal Command)

[root@levi ~]# type -a grep 
 grep is /bin/grep    ( External Command)
1.Internal Command (Help view)
2.External Command (help view)
COMMAND --help
3 ...

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