Tag archives: MySQL

RSS feed of MySQL

Linux configure Mysql to allow remote access

The operation is very simple, on the 5 step, as follows:

1.login mysql :

>mysql -uroot -p;

2.Using mysql database:

>use mysql;

3.View user table :

>SELECT Host,User FROM user;
| host         | user | password                                  |
| localhost    | root | *A731AEBFB621E354CD41BAF207D884A609E81F5E |
|  | root | *A731AEBFB621E354CD41BAF207D884A609E81F5E |

4.Update user table :

>UPDATE user SET Host = '%' WHERE User = 'root ...

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Linux mysql service mysql start fail can't run mysql

View error log:

160104 22:02:31  InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
160104 22:02:32 InnoDB: 5.5.42 started; log sequence number 1595675
160104 22:02:32 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): ''; port: 3306
160104 22:02:32 [Note]   - '' resolves to '0.0 ...

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fedora mysql root Password Reset

1.Stop mysql service

[root@localhost han]#/etc/init.d/mysqld stop
Stop MySQL: [OK]

2.Start mysql service with the following command

[root@localhost han]#mysqld_safe --user=mysql --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &

(Prompt message: [root@localhost han]# nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql)

3 ...

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